
$1 Per Pixel
10px x 10px Blocks
$100 Per Block
Ads Last Forever!*
9,431 Blocks Available
(943,100 Pixels)

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the total cost?

  • The only cost is a one-time fee of $100 per block ($1/pixel). There are no recurring costs or subscriptions.

What do I get for my $1-per-Pixel?

  • You get your graphical ad and link posted on the Pixel Grid forever*. Your ad consists of:
    • Your Artwork
    • A URL your artwork will link to
    • A bit of text up to 64 characters long saying anything you want it to say, that will hover around the cursor over your ad (also known as a tooltip)
    • There will be a link to pixels.whatsmyip.org in the Navigation column on the left side of every page on www.whatsmyip.org. That means every page on the main site will have at least one link to pixels.whatsmyip.org.
  • Plus there will be an additional link to pixels.whatsmyip.org on the www.whatsmyip.org homepage.
  • There will also be sporadic linking and advertising of pixels.whatsmyip.org over the years, especially while there are still empty blocks.
  • Traffic on whatsmyip.org has been steadily climbing since we came online in 2001. As of May 2014, we get over 200,000 page views per weekday. Every one of those page views will have at least one link to pixels.whatsmyip.org.

How Do I Pay You?

  • You can pay using any method listed on the "Buy Pixels" page. We may change these methods from time to time as companies come and go, but we'll try to keep at least a few options available.

What About The Artwork?

  • Once you have paid for your block(s), you will email me your artwork and the link you want it to point to. PNG format is the best way to send me artwork, but any format will work. Only the first frame of animated artwork will be displayed.
  • Your artwork cannot be changed, so take your time and be sure about what you are sending me.
  • Artwork with a transparent background will be placed on a solid color background at our discretion, unless you specifically request we preserve the transparent background.

How Do I Choose My Pixels?

  • Very easily. Look at the pixel grid. Put your cursor over the block or blocks you want to purchase. Hold your mouse still for a second and you will get a "tooltip" telling you the number of the block. For example it will say:
  • “ Block Available: 4076 ”
  • That's the block number. Just jot down the numbers of all the blocks you want and include them in your post-order email to us.
  • You can also click the "Find Random Block" button on the purchase page to pick a block at random. If you don't specify a block number, we will choose one at random.


  • Pixels are sold in Blocks.
    One Block is 10 px by 10 px, 100 total pixels.
  • You can buy as many blocks as you want, anywhere on the grid that is available.
  • Obscene or offensive artwork is not allowed.
  • Links must contain domain names, no IP-based Links.
  • You must link to a web page (no file download links etc)
  • Your ad cannot be changed. Once it is posted and approved for accuracy/mistakes, they are then permanent and cannot be edited for artwork, links, tooltip text, block number, or any other attribute. Note: After a reasonable amount of time, if you have not notified us of any errors in your ad, it will be considered approved.
  • Ads can be deleted if your site no longer exists and you don't want ongoing links pointing to it. That block will become available again and you can purchase it again for a new ad if you wish.
  • All Sales Are Final. No Refunds, Ever, For Any Reason.
  • Links to pornographic websites are not allowed. If any sneak in, they will be deleted.
  • This web site will stay up forever*.
  • *Forever in this case means that this site will stay up as long as the internet remains primarily based on HTML web pages viewed through web browsers. In the distant future, if HTML web pages become a thing of the past, this web page may cease to exist. But not until then.